Winchester Pest Control

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    If you need Winchester pest control, look no further than Payne Pest Management. Our family-owned and operated business opened its doors in May 2006 and has only expanded from there. A team of three has now blossomed into a fifty-person company spread across three different offices, all dedicated to serving the San Diego, Orange County, and Los Angeles areas.

    Our top-tier service has helped people get rid of pests in Winchester, California for over 15 years. Whether it’s bugs, rodents, termites, or something else, Payne Pest Management can help you get the best Winchester pest control in residential and commercial buildings.

    Winchester Pest Control

    Thinking of a pest control service probably conjures up images of creepy, crawly bugs living beneath your floor or in your walls. However, there are quite a few different pests you want to keep an eye out for, otherwise, you won’t just be paying for Winchester pest control – you’ll be paying to fix property damage, too.

    The weather in Winchester, California, is not unlike most places in the continental United States and can attract lots of different pests. Sometimes you’ll need Winchester yellow jacket control based on the time of year these pests come out. However, there are also preventative measures you can take to make sure no pest ever enters your home.

    The most important thing you can do to keep pests out of your home is cut off their food and water supply. They can’t live without those things, so they’ll move away from your home to another area with more abundant resources. While pests may enter even the cleanest of homes, it’s important to keep your indoor space as clean as possible.

    If you’re already dealing with a pest problem, Payne Pest Management offers tons of pest control services to help your home get back on track. They’ll get rid of things like:

    • Ants
    • Bed Bugs
    • Crickets
    • Earwigs
    • Fleas
    • Roaches
    • Silverfish
    • Spiders

    While that list is already pretty extensive, they also offer services to remove bees, wasps, and even birds from your home. Birds may not seem like a nuisance at first, but if they start living within the walls of your home it could become a real issue. Bees, wasps, and yellow jackets are all common problems for Winchester residents that could become deadly if not treated properly.

    Some of the pests listed aren’t necessarily harmful to humans, they can do massive amounts of damage to your property. You’ll want to get these pests gone as quickly as they found a way in, whether it’s because of structural damage or getting into your food supply. Payne Pest Management works quickly and efficiently to get rid of these pests and keep them gone.

    Winchester Rodent Control

    Winchester rat control provided by Payne Pest Management will help make sure you remove the pesky vermin from your home. Our company is different, however, because we also offer exclusion services. Exclusion means we take preventative measures to prevent rats from ever entering your home again, not just removing them from the premises.

    Rats aren’t the only Winchester rodent control you’ll need to worry about, though, as mice are also a nuisance to have in a building. Rats and mice can chew through wires, eat drywall and insulation, and destroy different parts of your building. Payne Pest Management will keep rodents out and prevent that damage from occurring.

    You can prevent mice and rats from coming into your home by keeping your home sanitized and clean. While a clean building won’t discourage mice from entering, it won’t attract them the same way a dirty space will. If you have pets, perhaps a cat, they may help you take care of mice in the meantime before we do our treatment to make sure the mice stay gone.

    Winchester Termite Control

    Payne Pest Management offers Winchester termite control services to keep your building structurally sound. We offer localized, full, and tent termite services to make sure the destructive bugs don’t continue to damage the infrastructure of your building. There are three different types of termites that Winchester residents need to prepare for.

    Subterranean termites live far below the surface but can still do damage to a home. Formosan termites tend to leave mud tunnels where they go, and you can tell it’s this specific termite when the appearance of the wood is wavy, almost like it’s “ribbed.” Drywood termites blister the wood’s surface and leave pellets near the damaged wood.

    It doesn’t matter what kind of termite it is, all of them can do vast amounts of damage to your building. Calling Payne Pest Management to remove these pests will help save your home from further damage. Payne Pest Management will also help with wood damage repair, so your termites will be gone, and your wood can be repaired, too.

    We are a Certified WBE (Women Business Enterprise), Certified SBE (Small Business Enterprise), DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise), and we are also a Veteran Founded Company.